My posting has been a bit sporadic lately, and there are a few reasons why...namely, the company I work for installed a firewall recently which blocks, amongst many other things, blogger. I was in the habit of reading and writing blog posts during my lunch break, because honestly its the only free time I've had recently. No more. That, and we've had a friend from Australia staying with us. The lucky girl has been trekking around Asia the last month and left the not so sunny shores of Hong Kong for Paris yesterday. *sigh* Are you as jealous as I am? Anyway, I do digress. What I wanted to post was these stunning images of graphic modern bathrooms. I haven't done a bathroom round-up for a while, and these are the ones that have been the inspiration lately for the never-ending imaginary renovation I have in my head. Hope you like!Two stunners by Pierre Yovanovitch - the really bold combination of black and white marble in these is stunning.