
Wednesday, 4 March 2009

Busy busy busy...

To say I've been busy these last few weeks is somewhat of an understatement. The studio apartment I've been working on is due to be finished this weekend, and all the furniture and appliances we've purchased will be delivered the following weekend. We spent last weekend shopping for furniture, mostly in Ikea because of budget restraints, but we did buy a few little pieces from Lane Crawford when they were on sale a few months back, including

2 Series 7 chairs by Arne Jacobsen

a lovely Jielde task lamp for the bedside

and a funky little Tivoli i-pod docking station..I think I want one of these for me!

I promise to post some photos once it's complete...


  1. i so love those jielde lamps- can't wait to see the finished product.

  2. I just love the retro vibe of the docking station...very cool!

  3. i love the jielde task lamp too! ... and the entire tivoli line is fun and great-looking. i'm looking forward to seeing the images!

  4. lovely blog.. I want one of those as well...


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