
Saturday, 28 February 2009

Happy Happy Joy Joy!

My copy of the Christie's catalogue of the Yves Saint Laurent & Pierre Berge collection of 2o th Century Decorative Arts arrived today. Yay! No matter that its too late to bid, because I couldn't have afforded anything in the sale anyway, unless I'd sold everything I own, including a few of my organs. I would have happily done so had I thought that my husband and I could raise a family someday inside this amazing Jean-Michel Frank cabinet...



  1. i thought these sold out very quickly? how were you so lucky?

  2. That is something to be excited about! I'm curious, did you get the entire boxed set or just one? I wasn't sure which one to get if i just bought one. Maybe I should take a walk over to Christies this week and check them out.

  3. David - not sure if this has anything to do with it - but the parcel was sent from a Hong Kong address. They were probably printed here, and sent on demand. I didn't know they had sold out though...

  4. Heather - its the first auction catalogue I've ever purchased and was so thrilled when it arrived. I would have loved all of them of course, but figured this would be the most interesting for me. It's more like a book than a catalogue!

  5. cool. i really want to buy the michael jackson auction catalog, but it's rather expensive...

    oh, and the ysl item i would have sold my organs for, was the lalanne bar with the egg shaped cooler and tusk shaped cocktail shaker. so sexy

  6. Absolutely, M21 - that Bar was definitely worth selling organs for. prefferably not your liver though ;)


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