So I've moved into a loft. We've been there about a year now, but I've kept it all a bit under the radar because its not finished...I didn't want to make any announcements until I was ready to show you the finished pics. I've had such a busy year that I've been my own worst client. I've been delaying having friends over and throwing a house-warming because its not done how I want...and I'm tired of getting those looks that say..."still?" I have set myself a goal to get it completed...and when I do I will be happy to share the before and after pics with you (if they don't get published first).
In the meantime, I am still looking for inspiration for certain areas, and while googling I came across the NYC loft of Harriet Maxwell and Andrew Corrie, the owners of Ochre. I remember seeing this when it was first published in Elle Decor back in November 2010 and thinking that I loved the colour palette, and just how soft and serene it felt for such a big loft space. Fast forward a few years, and funnily enough I have painted our walls a similar shade (although more taupe - think the background colour of the blog and you'll be close)...and had started thinking along these lines without even looking at these pics.
I have to say I'm pretty in love with this right now, and am already mentally replacing my sofa, dining chairs etc....
a few angles of the lovely living/dining room...this space is the best in the whole apartment if you ask me...
although that kitchen aint half bad either...although ours is rather large, so I shouldn't be complaining...
very pretty bathroom and wardrobe, love, love!
I love it all!! Can't wait to see the finished product.
Ha Annetta I can so feel your pain... Five years after moving into our loft all we've managed to buy is a sofa, table and benches, 1 carpet... Clients are always the priority right? Still I am really looking forward to your before and after pictures!!!