
Monday, 22 April 2013


I posted about Alfred Lam's lovely store, L'sWhere a few months ago here, and wanted to update you all that the pop-up on Elgin St has now moved to a more permanent address at 8 On Wo Lane, just off Gough St in Central.  Seriously one of the most beautiful shops I've ever seen, and definitely one of the best in Hong Kong, the shop is like an Aladdin's Cave of treasures.  Stocking pieces from R&Y Augousti, Delightfull lighting, as well as a seriously enviable collection of vintage chairs and silverware, I cannot recommend this place more highly. There is literally nothing else like it in Hong get on down there and check it out!


  1. Hello my name is Diogo and I am the head Designer at Delightfull and I am follower of Studio Annetta for almost 3 years.

    Love it.

    L's Where is one of our oldest and best clients and it's always a pleasure to speak with Mr. Alfred at every Maison & Objet in Paris

    Great to know that you have a new space.

    I wish you all the best

  2. Hi there, what is the opening time of the store?

  3. I suggest you direct questions to the shop directly:, or Tel: 2388 1271


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