
Friday, 22 March 2013

Fluted plasterwork

I was recently looking for some reference images of fluted plasterwork for a project I'm working on, and I came across these little beauties. I have to say I'm quite taken with the idea, and I love how each of these designers has used it in a different way...

In a Living room designed by Miles Redd, featured in House Beautiful.

A Dining room by Jean-Louis Deniot, from Architectural Digest.

A more modern approach by Stephen Sills.

And a lovely example by Timothy Whealon, from Veranda.

Enjoy the weekend folks!


  1. I think this is one of the most beautiful finishes to which a wall may be treated –modern and stately at the same time. Beautiful!

  2. How interesting. I didn't think I'd like it by the description but the photographs are very nice.


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