
Monday, 23 April 2012

Sydney style

I've always been interested to see how other people live. I think we all have a little bit of a voyeur inside us, that's why tabloids and shelter magazines sell so well. But I think what's even more interesting is to see how peoples lives change, and how they express that within their surroundings, and seeing how their homes evolve as a stage for the drama of life.  The homes of Sydney-siders Peter Lin and John Wilson are certainly no exception.  Their apartment - published in Vogue Living back in 2010 - captivated me when I first saw it. The richness of the colour took my breath away.  It was so dramatic and unlike anything I'd seen before. So when I stumbled upon the images of their new home in the recent Inside Out magazine, I was a little surprised to say the least. They've kept a lot of their art and furnishings (which comforts me, for some reason), but its different because of its distinct lack of colour.  That is to say, its not completely white, but it almost looks it when compared to their previous home.  Not sure if I'm as captivated, but I still love the mix of stuff they have, and Iain Halliday has done a great job (again) of artfully arranging it all. 

Photographed by Petrina Tinslay for Vogue Living (Australia) March/April 2010

Photographed by Mark Roper for Inside Out (Australia) May 2012

1 comment:

  1. Now that's interesting. I did the same double take when I saw the new place, then hunted down my old copy of Vogue to check if it was indeed the same pair. What a different direction! (I adored the more colourful one. Even though the new place is elegant, it is missing the sultry excitement of the richer, older place.)


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