
Friday, 23 September 2011

Brazillian beauty

I've fallen in lust with these images that were sent to me of a hotel suite inside the annual 'Casa Cor' show house in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Designed by the talented team Juliana Vasconcellos and Carlos Maia of Vasconcellos Maia Arquitetos Associados, the show house will be open until next month. I love what these guys have done with the space, only 85 m2 and it feels quite spacious from these images.

I wish I could head along and check it out, I've never been to South America and am very keen to go. So if you're in Rio, get on down and let me know what you think!


  1. wow
    i love this job.
    everything is stunning, and the sofa is fabulous!!

    have a nice weekend xx

  2. It's gorgeous--but it's the rug that just might keep me up tonight. Amazing energy. Thanks. Mary

  3. Wonderful!! I love the marble and the colors...!!


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