
Monday, 15 August 2011

Pinto in print

I recently, somewhat reluctantly, subscribed to the electronic format of bunch of magazines that I regularly buy. Until I get myself an ipad I'm going to be reading them on my pc, which is just not the same as holding a magazine in your hands. I will miss it, however, I decided it was finally time to put my money where my mouth was and stop participating in the destruction of so many trees. That, and I am running out of space for them (I have 10 yrs worth of some, and I just can't bear to part with them)...and I'll save a little money in the meantime.

So I was pretty thrilled with my in print version of Architectural Digest this weekend, and in particular the dressing room of Alberto Pinto's own Rio de Janeiro apartment. Not so much with any other of the rooms, but the bleached mahogany pretty much made up for the rest of it in my eyes.

I've long been an admirer of Pinto's work, so its a little surprising that this is my first post about him. I also don't own any of the many books he has published. However, I noticed today that he has a new one coming out that looks interesting, and I think it just may feature this apartment. Its available for pre-order on Amazon do yourself a favour and reserve yourself a copy like I did!

Photograph of Pinto's dressing room taken by Ngoc Minh Ngo for AD USA, September 2011.


  1. I love bleached woods as they add a sense of "informality" to a place. I have also used bleached jacaranda (a type of rosewood) in a project in Rio and it just goes very well with the informality (but chicness) of the city. Alberto is a master at what he does and I LOVE his rooms!

  2. i adore bleached woods and greyish limed oak.

    beautiful vignette.

  3. I know what you mean about the magazine "thing"--but I am still addicted to paper. Alberto Pinto has always been at the top of my list of design maters--I'm going to check out this new book. Glad to see that you are posting. Mary

  4. I agree - love, love, love bleached sophisticated but also somehow casual.

    Thanks Mary, I haven't totally dropped of the radar, yet!


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