
Thursday, 18 November 2010

Khai Liew

My latest love affair is with the home of the Malaysian-born Australian, Khai Liew. I've been a fan of Liew's work for some time now so it was a real teat for me to see his Adelaide home. It embodies all that is good about the Australian lifestyle - laid back and casual, and is blended with a cerebral Asian influence. Its the epitome of East meets West (sorry, I know that term is so overused, but I can't think of anything else). If you are a fan of the American designers Annabelle Selldorf or the firm Shelton Mindel then I think you'd like this place. If so, go buy yourself a copy of the latest German Architectural Digest.

As you can imagine I've been mentally re-decorating since I saw this....

Photographed by Derek Henderson for German Architectural Digest, Nov 2010 edition.


  1. Design that walks the line so well to find a German Architectural Digest!

  2. There is not much Asian in that?
    Or it on the walls?
    Sorry, I for being an ignorant / non-expert ...

  3. Hi Suzie - I meant more the feeling of Asian minimalism...not so much particular pieces.

  4. This is Fine.

    If you can, please visit my blog. I've started not too long ago and I would really appreciate your visit.
    Thank you!


    Luciane at


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