
Friday, 6 August 2010

Spanish style

I love it when you see something done in a way that makes you rethink your original opinion. I don't (or should I say - didn't) like stone floors....but these? Beautiful. Who would've thought to put a border in the same stone but a textured finish? I have to be honest, I'm not sure I would have. And I love the narrow black border. Not to mention the bookshelves...

This image was originally posted by I Suwannee, and then by Habitually Chic, and I'm so glad the mystery was solved and we now know who is behind this room. The seriously talented Spaniard, Isabel López-Quesada, was already a fave, but this has cemented it. Go check out Nuevo Estilo for the rest of the images of this beautiful apartment.


  1. I like the long plank shelving of the bookcases, which can be problematic if the wood isn't strong enough to hold the weight of the books. I hate sagging bookshelves!

  2. Ohh! This is beautiful! An I love the molding at the top of the bookshelves!

  3. have you seen her Swiss "Cabin" excellent

    greetngs from Germany



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