
Wednesday, 7 July 2010

Style in spades...little teeny tiny ones!

Anyone out there who has not yet got a copy of the July/August House Beautiful (US) needs to run, not walk, to their closest news stand and buy one. Immediately. Why? Because the stunning apartment which graces the cover weighs in at a mere 390 square feet, or about 39 square metres. It's ridiculous how pretty this place is. Its amazing inspiration for everyone, but especially for those of us living like laboratory animals in sprawling cities around the world. It makes my place (which is marginally bigger) feel and look as bland as a cardboard box in comparison. The home-owner and decorator, David Kaihoi, is definitely one to watch. Currently working for Miles Redd, I have a feeling this will not be the last time a place by him makes it to the front cover of a magazine.

More photos online from Studiolo, and a bit more of a back story on the man behind all this gorgeousness from an ex-colleague, Mr Nick Olsen.


  1. I love the new(ell) turn(er) House Beautiful has taken!

    I've had my copy a week and I keep going back to it. The Kaihoi feature makes me want to re-organize my closet and paint it Tulip Red.

  2. Ah yes, I forgot about the new editor! I totally agree, it actually makes me want to dump everything I own and start all over again, with a tin of high gloss paint!

  3. Yes! I was truly impressed with what was achieved in a mere 390 sq. ft. Every inch is amazing. My favorite: the antique hand painted chinese screen in the bedroom.

  4. Wow, what an awesome apartment!! 390 sq ft of rich & bold gorgeousness!! This is a great example of genius use of colours, furniture, and accessories. Absolutely stunning.


  5. Absolutely fantastic.


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