
Wednesday, 17 February 2010

Space Odyssey: 2010

We are now officially in the year of the Tiger according to the Chinese Lunar New Year, so Kung Hei Fat Choi everyone! I'm rather pleased with how the new year has started out, in addition to the long weekend a few of my tips about living stylishly in small spaces was published in local guide The List - available as of today and on local newstands for the next 2 weeks!

(Click on the images below to enlarge).


  1. Congratulations, Suzy. Good PR!

  2. Both images produce the same (1st) image enlarged...

    Well done on the publicity, and hope it bodes well for you in the year of the Tiger. Kung Hei Fat Choy!

  3. congrats suzy! this is awesome!

  4. Thanks everyone!

    And thanks Columnist for letting me know...stupid blogger...stupid html...with a bit of help from my husband it seems to be fixed!


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