
Friday, 11 September 2009

Green with envy

Is this not the perfect shade of green? Am I right, or am I right? I so want those walls in my bedroom! If Gambrel keeps this up, I'll give up now and move to NY to join his bottega...

The posts from me might be a little on the light side for the coming weeks while I finish up my full-time job and some other exciting things, so this will have to do you for a while...I promise I'll let you know whats happening when I can! I do plan to get a website together by the end of the year with some project photos, and this blog will be a part of it.

Oh, and in breaking news, my friends Alex & Ellis' new shop 'Moustache' just got a write up in the NY Times T Magazine - how exciting! I attending the shop opening on Wednesday night (such a cute space). So check out their store if you are ever in Hong Kong, or you can also buy online!


  1. Good luck in all of your ventures. Can't wait to see what is up your sleeve!! Life is all in the adventure.

  2. It's like being inside an emerald.

  3. Unfortunately the Moustache link doesn't work....

  4. Thanks Columnist - I just fixed it...I think there is a bug in the blogger format. The link should be to J.A. Daye which is their tailoring busines...the Moustache line is more of a casual daywear for men. But both collections are sold in the store on Aberdeen Street in SOHO.

  5. I'll try and sneek a peak when I'm in Hong Kong in November.


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