
Wednesday, 18 February 2009

Sydney Moderne

This spread from the Aussie Vogue Living back in 2006 makes it an oldy - but its definitely a goody in my books! All this talk of French Moderne reminded me of this gorgeous Sydney home decorated by Sally Greenaway - and I don't know why I haven't posted it already, its absolutely one of my favorites - hope you enjoy!

The entrance hall is a hint at what else is to come.... the lanterns, along with a lot of the furniture in the home, are by Christian Liaiagre.

I adore the mix of textures in this room, its so sumptuous!

What a beautiful place to curl up with a book!

I am loving these dark timber cabinets in the kitchen. The bar stools and lights are also by Liaigre.

I love this bedroom - it's blissfully serene. The suspension lights are by India Mahdavi, side table by Christian Liaigre, and the bedlinen by Muriel Grateau.

The Christian Liaigre chaise in the master bedroom was originally designed for Rupert Murdoch.

The same dark wood from the kitchen is used in the bathroom, along with cararra marble, to great effect.

All photos by Prue Ruscoe from Vogue Living July/August 2006.


  1. That living room is to die for! I adore the soft brown sofa, so cozy!

  2. I love your modern post ... the French and the Sydney are wonderful.

  3. I love it. The atmosphere is so airy.
    Thanks for posting!

  4. that entry hall is beautiful, and i think i need one of those lanterns in MY home. this economy better pick up so i can afford one!

  5. Thank you so much for the congrats! ;)

  6. amazing! the entrance hall is SO SUBLIME! i'm going to echo what M21 said about the economy! i can't wait for things to get better ... things better get better : ) ... soon!

  7. Glad you all liked!

    Paul & M21 I am with you on that one...hurry up and get better stupid economy!!

  8. You have a fantastic blog...always enjoy the updates. You are a real lover of Christian Liaigre...come see us at Christian Liaigre Bangkok. :)

    Would be great to meet you.



  9. Hi Brent, thanks! I promise to come visit next time I'm in Bangkok!


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