
Tuesday, 5 August 2008

I want!

I just saw these lacquered boxes from West Elm on Design Sponge, and I love them! Don't know whether it's the studs or the lacquer that makes them so appealing, but they're a fab way to have your storage out in plain view. And when you have a tiny apartment, like I do, that's a good thing!


  1. I haven't seen those before. They're gorgeous!

  2. so simple yet sophisticated! The shine puts a "new" spin on an old design. Thanks for the fun, Ginny

  3. Good choice. I love a hat box and own many hats. These might do them justice. Although the vintage ones that I use have their charms, they are not sturdy.

  4. Hi Studio Annette:
    I wanted to let you know that I really enjoy reading your blog! I was hooked when you wrote about Charolotte Yorks's apartment! three years ago I was on a huge mission to find the wallpaper from her bedroom! Anyway, I've started my own blog and was just recently taged-wanted to see if you wanted to play!

  5. Never seen those before- very cool! I have an apartment too and those are a really great way to quietly display/hide all of my random stuff!

  6. Im voting its the lacquer that makes them extra cute!

  7. oooh, I love these! Now how to get them out to Marrakech?


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