
Thursday, 15 May 2008

My latest purchase...

Remember me lusting after this room in 1st Dibs founder Michael Bruno's old Paris apartment (a matter of weeks ago)...?

...and declaring to the world I didn't think I could live with furniture covered in dead elephant? (click HERE to read the post I mean)....

Well I've done an about face. Call me a hypocrite, or anything else you can think of. I don't mind. Actually, I probably deserve it.

I found this stunning table (covered in elephant hide) and wastepaper basket (covered in python) by Karl Springer.....passed in at auction...

And I couldn't resist.

I know my South African friend will probably never speak to me again. I still don't condone killing wild, protected or endangered species for vanity, but I guess I figure these had both been dead for a few decades at least. Until I stop wearing leather shoes, belts and handbags I probably can't be pious about covering furniture in skins of other animals.

I might be opening a can of snakes here...but what does everyone else think?


  1. Karl Springer was such a genius. Fantastic piece.

  2. Oh, Suzy, they are so beautiful, and Springer, too. That's not the question, though, right? Look at it this way, you are preserving rare design species through careful acquisition and proper care. Seriously, I'm in your court; I feel the same way about fur, wouldn't buy a new one, but vintage? Sure.

  3. Thanks Paul, and thanks for dropping by!

    Thanks Mrs B...although I do still feel a little guilty...

  4. They're beautiful, but I don't know, elephant. I commented on an unusual table on a blog and it was an elephant EAR!!!! omg - it made me sick, so so so sad!!!


  5. Joni, I feel really bad about buying it now...I saw a documentary about the life cycle of elephants, and they are pregnant for 20 wonder they don't have many babies and the numbers are dwindling (that, and poachers of course)...maybe I'll sell it?

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Hi HOBAC - will definitely let yo know if my conscience gets the better of me, although you've made me feel less guilty now! I was not aware that Springer often used faux skins...I'll be sure to check it out thoroughly when it arrives.


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