
Thursday, 28 February 2008

Today I'm dreaming of...

Holding a Summer banquette with all my family and friends, with tonnes of great food and wine!


  1. Now that's a well-dressed table. Inspirational. Time to polish the silver around here.

  2. Ooh- I love the mini-table on top of the table! haha- what's that even called? What a gorgeous piece!

  3. Oh yum Suzy :-) Hey congrats on your mention in the Post too oh stylish woman

  4. EEL - I know, me too. In fact this pic has made me realise just how under stocked I am on silverware and other dining accoutrements.

    Mabelle - I have no idea what its called, but I really like the idea! I'll have to try it next time I host a dinner!

    ATBB - thank you!


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