
Friday, 11 January 2008

Forthcoming book launch

I received a personal email during my holiday from Steven Salny, author of the book about Frances Elkins, (I did a post on it late last year). His upcoming book about Michael Taylor is due out in a year. Quite timely information considering the spread on the late designer in the recent House Beautiful. I for one am certainly looking forward to learning more about such an influential taste maker!

Images from House Beautiful, January 2008.


  1. This is great news indeed! First, because we need a book on M. Taylor. Secondly, I'm a big fan of Salny's books.

  2. How wonderful, I can't wait to see the book...keep us posted.
    All best,

  3. You have a beautiful blog!!! I can't wait to see what other wonderful things you post! :)

  4. good news- i'm a big michael taylor fan, so it's about time we got a book on him!

  5. I'm not familiar with Mr. Salny, but I'd love to see a book on Michael Taylor. Thanks for sharing.

  6. Glad I could be the one to break the news to everyone!

    Blaze, thank you and thanks for dropping by!


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