
Sunday, 7 October 2007

Thomas O'Brien - the quitessential New York designer?

If Thomas O'Brien is not the quintessential New York designer, then he is certainly one of the most accomplished. And with new collections for Bloomingdales and Reed&Barton he's also one of the most published. He has put his stamp on ranges of furniture, rugs, fabrics & trims, lighting, tabletop, bathwares and much more. His style has been called 'warm modern' and while the term may not have been coined specifically for him, it certainly fits the bill. I think what I like about his style is that it is masculine but not in an overpowering or intimidating way. To me, his interiors always look inviting and personal, and while they are very photogenic they don't appear to be showcase-ish. He has created homes that range from the traditional to the modern (usually with a mid-century bent to them), from the masculine to the not so masculine. His products are now showcased in either end of the retail spectrum with collections for Bloomingdales as well as Target. Here are a few of my favorite images from his portfolio...


  1. Beautiful work--especially the white bedroom with mirrored closet doors. I also like dresser top display in the second last image--it's so pretty and the random tear sheets on the left of the framed artwork adds a nice personal touch.

  2. I love that you point out that it never looks too showcase-ish. It's his hallmark quality if you ask me. There are rooms done for photos and rooms done for living. his are certainly the latter. Which undoubtedly has lead to his meteoric rise in popularity.

    I say we're the lucky ones - he's marvelous inspiration!

  3. TIG - I agree, the bedroom is stunning.

  4. I too LOVE the bedroom with the mirrored wardrobe doors! Great dream houe too Suzy - so over-the-top and glamorous!!!

  5. Thanks Anna, the house is in inner-city Melbourne and used to be run as a boutique hotel - my husband and I actually spent our wedding night there. I've told him we aren't moving back to Australia til can afford to buy the place!

  6. Great posts, i just love! Is now growing a young brand that I think they liked to visit and see their products very appealing! the site is


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