
Thursday, 25 October 2007

Sketches of Frank Gehry

I saw a fantastic documentary last night, called "Sketches of Frank Gehry"and I must recommend it to anyone interested in modern architecture. Frank Gehry, most widely known for the Bilbao Guggenheim, is a very interesting character, and I didn't know much about the man behind his architecture until last night. Its a very thought provoking film, and I think its worth the watch even if you don't like modern architecture. The movie was produced and directed by his personal friend, Sydney Pollack (or Will's Father, from Will & Grace as I knew him!) and gives a very personal look into the life of this incredible man. The film features interviews with some very well known celebrities who are Gehry's friends and admirers, including the artist Ed Ruscha, architect Philip Johnson, artist and film maker Julian Schnabel, musician Bob Geldoff and actor Dennis Hopper, among others. I'm not sure whether it is available on DVD yet, but if it is I suggest you go get yourself a copy!


  1. I saw that same documentary. Very interesting man. It inspired me.

  2. Frank Gehry was born in Toronto, so he's quite a big deal around here. I loved the designs he did for Tiffany's, especially the Torque ring series. I haven't had the chance to watch the documentary, but it sounds great.

  3. Thanks for this post! I am a sucker for any art or design related documentary! I am going to have to go check where I can see this movie in New York!

  4. Hi Patricia, glad you enjoyed it. He certainly is an interesting man, whose methods are quite unorthodox, which makes for great viewing!

  5. TIG, yes he talks a lot about coming from Canada - but not about a collection for Tiffany's. Maybe it was made before that? I was not aware that he had, so thanks for letting me know!

  6. Me too HC, I saw it on TV here, so I'm guessing that means its probably available on DVD in the US by now. Hope you manage to find a copy!

  7. He has a very prolific career, so perhaps the the documentary wanted to focus on his work in architecture . . .

    Here's a link to see his work for Tiffany's (

  8. Thanks TIG, I just checked it out and they are quite beautiful. Hope you manage to find a copy of the documentary.


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