
Monday, 17 September 2007

Marvelous Milly

After I finally got over the shock of seeing my name in print, I thoroughly enjoyed the rest of this months Elle Decor. Particularly the apartment of Michelle Smith (front cover image). This apartment has already been blogged about - see Habitually Chic - so I wont go on, but I just cannot say enough good things about this apartment. It's so refreshing to see an interior that doesn't look contrived or too perfect. The apartment itself looks amazing, which certainly helps, but I love pretty much everthing in it!


  1. for me it's the delicious wall of windows, the way-mod light fixture (how fabulous!) and the floor to ceiling drapes. It is so striking!

    For all it's 'whiteness' they have managed to incorporate a lot of good color... the yellow, the red, the fuschia... gorgeous!

  2. I agree Franki - those sheer drapes and those windows are incredible, and the light was the perfect choice for this room. And the colours chosen are gorgeous.

  3. I really love the over scale picture - it definitely brings the unexpected factor to the room.


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