
Thursday, 27 September 2007


I was leafing through my copy of Elle Decor's 'The Grand Book of French Style' last night and came across these images. How glam is this bathroom! It says it was designed by the Compagnie des Arts Français in 1930 at the French Foreign Ministry buiding, for the visit of King George VI and Queen Elizabeth of Great Britain.

The roman bathtub is covered in silver mosaics, and surrounded by a shattered-glass panel by Labouré. The white leather stools were designed by Adnet, and the white swan (barely visible in the left niche) is by Lalique. The walls feature a shattered-glass stud inset.

I love this mirror, how fabulous it would be to have something this size in your bathroom when you're getting reading for a night out.

The first thing I thought of after seeing this (other than how fabulous it is!) was that it reminded me of a bathroom by Andrée Putman that I saw recently (see earlier post)...I wonder if she was inspired by this vintage French bathroom?

Image from Bella Magazine (Australia).


  1. I see the similarities.
    The 1930 bathroom is incredible!!!! How glamorous!

  2. Good noticing on the similarities.
    I love both bathrooms the 1930's and the 2007. I am intrigued by the shattered-glass stud inset!

  3. Me too Patricia, I love them both, and I'm keen to find out more about those shattered-glass studs. If I find more info I'll post it!

  4. Beautiful room. Having a three-way mirror is an incredible luxury. I took a tour of the new Martha Stewart neighborhood in Atlanta and noticed that these were included as part of the design of the closet, dressing room, bathroom area (smart Martha). I need to figure out how to buy a freestanding one!


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