I recently received my copy of the new Pink Martini album 'Hey Eugene!', which I'm very excited about. My husband and some friends and I will be seeing them while we are in New York next week, so I'm extra excited. Speaking of which, they've done a cover of the song "Tea for Two" which has inspired me to post some beautiful pictures I've found of tea and tea sets.
I found these two images on the Anthropologie website - one of my favorite shops in the US, which I'll be sure to visit while I'm in NY next week. So cute!
These images are from Plumo which I found through a fellow Australian's blog, Anna from Absolutely Beautiful Things. Thanks Anna! Love your blog by the way.
Some more tea pots, tea cups, and accoutrements that I've found in magazines. I actually collect teapots, and would love any of these to add to my collection!
A colourful and delicious looking selection of desserts from Laduree and Le Gouter perfect for serving with the best tea. The macaroons are my favorite!
These delectable desserts and beautiful tea sets are fit for only the best tea. My favorites are french of course! If you are a tea nut like me, you will only drink tea from a brewed pot, none of that teabag rubbish! Check out Kusmi, Palais des Thes, Mariage Freres, or if you aren't a tea drinker, the most gorgeous hot chocolate from New York company MarieBelle.
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